Monthly Archives: April 2012

Extreme Rules 2012 Results & Review


WWE actually managed to pull off a big feat last night. Coming off of Wrestlemania they booked a quality card and managed to make the show feel just as good, if not a bit better, than the granddaddy of them all.

1. Randy Orton defeated Kane (Falls Count Anywhere)
Their match a few weeks back at Mania was not bad but both guys really gave it their all here. Some good in-crowd fighting and backstage brawling. Getting Zack Ryder involved helps keeps his character relevant no matter who Kane is up against. Crowd popped big at Orton’s kickout of the chokeslam and hit an RKO on a chair for the pin.
Rating: ***1/2

2. Brodus Clay defeated Dolph Ziggler
There are ways to get Clay over. Jobbing someone who should be a future world champion to him should not be one of them. Basic Ziggler match. He sells everything like a champ then takes a loss and gets paid.
Rating: ***

3. Cody Rhodes defeated Big Show for the Intercontinental Title (Tables Match)
A tables match was an easy way to get Cody the title back and they did it in such a believable way that you don’t mind the title change this soon. Show tried to come back in the ring and Rhodes dropkicked him and Show stepped on a table outside of the ring and it broke. And then Show’s face was priceless. Like a kid who just broke something very expensive. Props to Cody for taking the table bumps after the match to with Show press slamming him out of the ring to the table on the floor.
Rating: ***1/2

4. Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan to retain the World Heavyweight Title (2 out of 3 falls)
Thank you WWE for finally giving us a real match between these two. I hope you see that they delivered on every level and that you crapped all over their Mania match. They went the ECW rout with 14 minutes passing before the first fall which Sheamus won when Bryan was DQ’ed for not letting up on the referee five count. Then Bryan quickly evened the count with the Yes Lock until Sheamus passed out. What’s this? Smart booking by the guys in the back? Color me surprised. Sheamus picked up the third after hitting a sick looking Brogue Kick and wrestling fans, like me, we’re happy we got a great match from these two.
Rating: ****

5. Ryback defeated two jobbers
Ryback has a good upside. He is big and certainly has a presence in the ring and the beating jobbers works on Smackdown every week but on a PPV….in Chicago? Not so much. I did appreciate the “Goldberg” chants.
Rating: N/A

6. CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho to retain the WWE Title (Chicago Street Fight)
These two delivered big time last night. A hot crowd, two great wrestlers and and a ton of high spots made this the match of the night for me. I hope other guys were taking notes on how to do a brawl with weapons while still in the PG environment.
Rating: ****

7. Layla defeated Nikki Bella for the Divas Title
Beth couldn’t compete because of the ankle injury so we got the return of Layla. Honestly the WWE has done so much to harm the Divas division that only Kharma can save it.
Rating: *1/2

8. John Cena defeated Brock Lesnar (Extreme Rules Match)
Now this match was intense. Like one of my friends said last night: “They finally found a way to make Cena sell moves….have someone actually hurt him.” Does it make me sick Cena won? Yes. As always. But am I glad he will be “injured” and gone for awhile? God yes! Brock showed everyone he still has the athleticism even after 8 years. The finish however did work from a story standpoint. Cena had his “Hogan overcome all odds” crap, Lesnar looked like a badass and he “injured” Cena even though he lost.

All in all a very good PPV only a few weeks after Mania. Match wise I think Extreme Rules was booked better. Now we get the summer time blues of pay per views until Summerslam comes around in August.

Just remember….Cena sucks.

Pull List 4/25/12


Aquaman #8
Arthur and Ya’Wara go off to inspect Seer’s body while we get flashbacks of Arthur and The Others during his rebellious phase (which includes no shirt). Mera plays the jealous role and is stuck with Shin.
Score: 8/10

Dark Knight #8
Issue starts out kind of like an episode of Fringe and that’s not a bad thing. Good one shot story involving Mad Hatter and Gordon being forced into therapy. Night of the Owls next month.
Score: 7.5/10

All-Star Western #8
Hex gets to fist fight then bathe with a hot chick (how great was the old west?) and get some info on The August 7. Then Arkham gets kidnapped and ruins all the plans. That’s about par for the course.
Score: 8/10

Superman #8
Ugh. A lot…..I repeat a lot of exposition from a villain that is not very good and a fight at the end that is so Superman it’s almost boring. Best thing about this issue is the cover. Someone save this comic!!!
Score: 5.5/10

Super Crooks #2
The team continues to come together and we finally get to hear from Johnny what the big score in Paris is going to be. And FYI, The Indestructible Men may be my favorite new characters in any comic. This book is great!
Score: 9/10

The Ultimates #9
Wow you keep thinking everything has gone to hell then you find out there is a whole new circle of it. The Children beat People’s ass until Zorn self destructs and finally does some damage to The City. Thor and Tony find out S.H.I.E.L.D. has turned Reed now has Hulk fighting for him. Oh and America gets disintegrated. Nothing too big. Awesome read.
Score: 9/10

Game of Thrones #7
Tyrion leaves The Wall and stops at Winterfell to leave Bran a gift. Arya and Ned have a heart to heart and we finally get to see Syrio train Arya.
Score: 8/10

Some good stuff this week with Super Crooks and Ultimates being the better books. It’s still early in Super Crooks so pick up the first two issues and give it a try.

Read comics!!!

Digital Pull List (It’s Special!)


Did Smallville run a bit too long? That’s a debate between fans and haters for another day. I was addicted for the first two seasons but by the third my interest began to falter and I let Clark and the ever annoying Lana fly away. I started keeping up (not watching mind you) with what was going on around Season 7 and I fully committed to watching the final season. And yes even the final season was not void of groan inducing dialogue and cheesy situations but I felt the finale actually ended the series well.

Now DC has decided to keep the story going with the release of Smallville Season 11. Keeping the characters intact with new story lines that don’t require any kind of cheap television budget should help. I downloaded the first two issues and lets see how things are shaping up.

(No Lana, No Lana, no whammy no whammy….stop!!)

Smallville Season 11 #1
Not a huge story but a small reintroduction to the characters from the show. Clark and Lois and Chloe and Oliver show up and give married banter then Superman (with his New 52 suit) flies by Lex’s office I would assume to piss him off then goes and saves some cosmonauts at a space station. The art is good and the dialogue is already better than most of the shows.
Score: 8/10

Smallville Season 11 #2
A pretty funny joke about the always different looking Superman symbol as Clark and Lois keep us up to speed that their wedding is still on postponement. Most of the issue has Clark and Lex discussing what Lex remembers of their lost friendship. A good follow up to the first issue and a great surprise return at the end.
Score: 8/10

And a bonus because I can never turn down a 99 cent comic……

Superman Beyond #1
Superman still patrols Metropolis while remembering all the people he has lost along the way. It’s good to see he kept all the memorabilia in the Fortress of Solitude including the last issues of Daily Planet which talks of a paperless world. He tries to stop a shoot out on the docks when a new hero team shows up. Pretty good.
Score: 7.5/10

Hope you enjoyed. A new Pull List will be up tomorrow!!

Rock+Willis > Tatum+Anyone

No matter how you felt about the first Joe outing, you have to admit that Retaliation appears to be a MASSIVE step up from the first flick. This second preview doesn’t include the awesome White Stripes remix song but the action more than makes up for it.

Just go. You know it will be fun.

Summer Movie Preview


It’s about time for the summer movie season to begin. Honestly with last months huge Hunger Games opening you could say it began early this year. I’ll just go through the movies that I plan on attending this summer (that means Madagascar will not be in this list or any Adam Sandler movie) and will stick them all with a bomb score. The higher the score the more likely I think the movie may go bust when they open. You never know where you will get a Speed Racer or John Carter.

Let’s go!!

The Avengers (May 4)
Marvel’s five year gamble is about to pay off. Back in 2007 when Iron Man released and we got to see Nick Fury at the end credits we squealed just when he said the word “Avengers” now we’re only a few short weeks from the team up I thought as a kid we’d never see on the screen. Then Marvel did us nerds good by getting Joss Whedon to direct. Early screenings have been very kind and it really does have a chance to have the biggest opening ever.
Bomb Score: -8,456,178/10

Dark Shadows (May 11)
Johnny Depp and Tim Burton have been talking about getting this movie made for almost a decade so imagine my surprise when the first preview showed the movie to be somewhat of a comedy. Not a bad surprise mind you. Fans who watched the show may hate it but I am glad they got away from the feel of the soap opera. We’ve seen Burton and Depp do dark drama and dark comedy so just throw them together. Sadly it opens a week after Avengers so it will most likely not open number one but hopefully it can still open big.
Bomb Score: 5/10

Men In Black 3 (May 25)
The sequel that kind of snuck up on everybody. It’s been ten years since the second movie underwhelmed me and a lot of people you talk to are kind of surprised a new MIB is coming out. The plot looks stronger than the second outing and hopefully Josh Brolin can bring some new vigor to the franchise. Like I said the word of mouth has not been too loud but by the time Memorial Day comes around I’m sure it will have a strong opening.
Bomb Score: 3/10

Snow White and the Huntsman (June 1)
Now that the horridly bright Mirror Mirror is in the rear view lets pay attention to the Snow White movie that actually looks good. I’ll admit I am not a Kristen Stewart fan but this movie looks like it will be dark and a lot of fun. But are we really supposed to believe that Stewart is hotter than Charlize Theron? That mirror must be high.
Bomb Score: 5/10

Prometheus (June 8)
While Avengers and Dark Knight are at the top of my must see list Ridley Scott’s return to sci-fi is not far behind. The more I see in previews and in the brilliant viral marketing the more I can not wait to see this. I will admit (for the first time in print I believe) that the Alien series is my favorite series of all time (even Alien 3) so lets get ready to see the space jockey do more than be dead and ominous!
Bomb Score: 4/10

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (June 22)
Yeah like I need to explain why I even wanna see this. Great Emancipator lopping heads and staking hearts….durr. Not sure if everyone else will be rushing to the theater like me though.
Bomb Score: 6/10

Brave (June 22)
Finally a summer where I can enjoy a Pixar movie. Last year was Pixar free with my hatred of Cars in full effect so I am ready for this Scottish tale of a daughter wanting to be more than what people expect of her.
Bomb Score: 0/10

G.I. Joe: Retaliation (June 29)
Ok. I admit it. I liked the first Joe movie. It was dumb fun. The good kind, not like Transformers 2. This time the look and feel is more serious. Call it a reboot without being a reboot. The Rock and Bruce Willis join the fight against Cobra Commander and we may get a Channing Tatum death. Win freaking win.
Bomb Score: 5/10

The Amazing Spider-Man (July 3)
It has been ten years since Sam Raimi brought everyone’s favorite web head to the screen and after the debacle that was Spider-Man 3 the studio wisely decided to reboot the franchise. We can all thank Nolans’ Batman for the darker look but I think it should give the character a fresh look. I have liked Andrew Garfield in The Social Network and Dr. Parnassus and he certainly has the Peter Parker look. Let’s hope this brings Spider-Man back to the top of comic movies.
Bomb Score: 4/10

The Dark Knight Rises (July 20)
Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan finish their bat trilogy with a host of new big bads. Bane, Catwoman, Ra’s and Talia Al Ghul have come to Gotham and the city may finally fall. Come on its Batman so he will kick ass and talk to people in that growl that makes us wonder if Bale has eaten a scrub brush. Even after the credits roll have no fear because Nolan has taken on the producer role for the next set of Bat films.
Bomb Score: see Avengers

The Bourne Legacy (August 3)
No Matt Damon, no problem. Jeremy Renner, who basically kicks ass in everything, takes over the title role and no it’s not Jason Bourne. He plays a new agent trained as Bourne was with Edward Norton opposite him. Tony Gilroy, who directed the great Michael Clayton and wrote the three previous Bourne movies is the director so the series should be in capable hands.
Bomb Score: 6/10 (because of no Damon)

Total Recall (August 3)
Colin Farrell take over the Arnold role in the reboot of the 1990 sci-fi film. The first preview does look pretty interesting and having Kate Beckinsale and Bryan Cranston adds to any movie. Really all I am looking for is some good sci-fi action and a chick with three titties. Is that too much to ask?
Bomb Score: 5/10

The Expendables 2 (August 17)
I didn’t see the first Expendables in theaters. I caught it on Blu-Ray and I have been kicking myself ever since for not seeing this testosterone fest on the big screen. That will be rectified with the sequel this year. Everyone’s back for the party (except Mickey Rourke) and Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme come with guns and some roundhouse kicks also. Let’s blow s*** up!!
Bomb Score: 3/10

Well there you have it. Any movies not on the list you plan on going to this summer? Let me know what movie and why you can’t wait to see it.

Pull List 4/18/12


Nightwing #8
Night of the Owls starts out in an awesome way with Dick trying to save Mayor Hady as the Court of Owls begins its assault on Gotham. The story is a great link to the Gates of Gotham story as well. The big Bat event of the year could not have started better.
Score: 9/10

Batman #8
Bruce, who barely escaped the Court, is put on the run in the mansion when the Talons come knocking. Such great action and even Alfred gets some of a Court member. It’s like Home Alone: Batman Breaks Your Face Edition. Another month, another Scott Snyder gem.
Score: 9.5/10

Catwoman #8
Man there is a lot of stories getting together in this issue. Selena and Spark are scoping out Penguin to finish a heist and get caught up with a psycho kidnapping hookers and packing massive weapons. Meanwhile the Court of Owls has Penguin on their list. I smell a team uuuuuup.
Score: 8/10

Justice League #8
Green Arrow (who looks too much like a Smallville character to me) finally gets in the mix and tries to jackass his way onto the team. Interested to see what his past with Aquaman is and we get some Martian Manhunter next month. Good stuff.
Score: 8/10

AVX #2
This has to be the most conflicted I have felt about a single issue comic in I don’t know how long. Cap vs Cyclops, Namor vs Thing, Red Hulk vs Colossus. The action is good. Yet half the script is dopey and the other half ok. And the art just makes me feel like its 1988 so it must be Romita Jr. Ugh.
Score: 7.5/10 (for the fights and part of the script) 5/10 (for the rest)

The Shadow #1
Oh wow! Garth Ennis has taken The Shadow and made him completely and utterly amazing. Taking the character and entrenching him in the grimy world of pre-WW2 America and adding that healthy dose of violence Ennis is known for. Pick this book up!
Score: 9/10

Also finished up a few trades that were equally as good as this week’s crop of monthlies.
Hack/Slash Omnibus Vol. 1
Score: 8.5/10
Hack/Slash Omnibus Vol. 2
Score: 9/10
This is my new current addiction. You can not get any better than your heroine teaming with the likes of Chucky and the Suicide Girls and fighting an endless array of slashers including Re-Animator. Vol. 2 is slightly better to me with all the family drama involved.

Severed HC
Score: 9/10
This story is the definition of tense. You want more but if there was more I think it would hurt the overall sense of horror in the book. The greatest thing a writer can do is leave you to finish the story in your own mind. And with me that may not be a good thing cause it’s a effed up place in there.

Read comics!!!

Pull List 4/11/12


Batman and Robin #8
The follow up to Damian killing Ducard (death by fingering just sounds too dirty) and we get a lot of father/son talk time at Wayne Manor about consequences. It’s a good read and a nice rest between the “Nobody” story and “Night of the Owls” crossover next month.
Score: 8/10

Batman: Arkham Unhinged #1
A companion/prequel that doesn’t really wow me but it does make me want to play Arkham City again.
Score: 7/10

Batgirl #8
A showdown with Grotesque and the reason her mother really left the family are really good but the last few pages have me really excited. Welcome back James Jr. Gonna be fun.
Score: 8.5/10

Green Lantern #8
The Indigo tribes secret is a one word vocabulary and Abin Sur was involved saving them some way. Hal goes in bad ass mode and Sinestro becomes an Indigo Lantern. Yep he’s another color lantern…..again. Still awesome.
Score: 8.5/10

Winter Soldier #4
Bucky and Doom head to the U.N. to stop Arkady and the doombot while Black Widow checks out a facility in Russia. Some good action but not as strong as past issues.
Score: 7.5/10

Thief of Thieves #3
The plot definitely is starting to thicken but it is moving along at a snail’s pace. AMC just optioned this so I hope the show will move faster.
Score: 7/10

Saga #2
Funky. Trying to describe this comic in a quick blurb is just too hard. Some great, weird stuff going on. Only two issues in. Do yourself a favor and pick it up.
Score: 8/10

Also finished up the run of Y: The Last Man a few days ago and loved every bit of it, even the ending, which was a downer but fit the series well.

Locke And Key keeps getting delayed, this time by Hack/Slash which I am currently loving.

Till next week. Read comics!!

Pull List 4/4/12


Action Comics #8
Supes (new shiny costume and all) finally has it out with Braniac over the fate of Metropolis and it’s quite….blah. I love Grant Morrison but the overall story arc has just been ok. Not bad. Just there. And if we could fit one more artist in one issue that would be great.
Score: 7/10

Detective Comics#8
Scarecrow, Catwoman, Gordon, the son of Hugo Strange. With all these characters I would expect a dynamite story but they are all underused and it all comes across as a little mediocre. Next month does have the Court of Owls so there is hope.
Score: 6.5/10

Swamp Thing #8
Swampy….Alec….Mr Thing? He goes off to get some of Sethe and save his love but finds out how hard it is loving the queen of The Rot. So not a happy ending quite yet. Have I mentioned Scott Snyder is the best writer in comics hands down?
Score: 9/10

Daredevil #10.1
I figured this was as good a place as any to jump on and see if I like the title. I loved the art and I will give the story a few months to see if it’s a keeper.
Score: 7/10

Finished up American Vampire Vol. 3and I can not say enough good things about it. Is it possible to bring vampires back from the brink after being neutered by popular culture? Scott Snyder is making it possible.
Score: 9.5/10

Bit of a light week this week. Also on the last trade of Y: The Last Man and I am already dreading finishing it. Starting back up on Locke & Key after that.

Read comics!!

At Least Somebody Still Thinks Mega Man Is Cool–PFbE

Enjoy the next four and a half minutes Mega Man fans.

Oh and the budget for this?

Only $700.

Are You A Star Wars Fan? Not Anymore.

Kinect Star Wars is finally ready for release. I’ll admit my friends and I have talked about getting it just for the stupid fun value but this… a Star Wars fan this hurts. It’s like they have taken Han, Lando and Cloud City and rolled them up into a hardened piece of plastic and are sodomizing me with it. And that piece of plastic? It oddly looks like a Kinect.